Minecraft PE 0.8.1 Chunk Format Documentation

1. NBT Format (level.dat)

  • File Type: Uncompressed little-endian NBT file.
  • Header (8 bytes):
    • 4 bytes: Storage version (little-endian integer).
    • 4 bytes: Length of the file (excluding the header).

Important Tags:

  • GameType:
    • 0 = Survival.
    • 1 = Creative.
  • LastPlayed: Unix timestamp for the last save.
  • LevelName: World name.
  • Platform: Typically 2 (Bedrock).

Player Data:

  • Armor: A list of 4 TAG_Compound values (helmet, chestplate, leggings, boots).
  • Inventory:
    • id: Item or Block ID.
    • count: Number of items.
    • damage: Wear and tear on tools/armor.
    • slot: Inventory slot number.
  • Abilities:
    • mayfly: 1 = Can fly.
    • invulnerable: 1 = Immune to damage.
    • mayBuild: 1 = Can place/destroy blocks.

World Data:

  • SpawnX/SpawnY/SpawnZ: Spawn coordinates.
  • Time: Tracks time of day in ticks (mod 19200).
  • DayCycleStopTime: Stops the day/night cycle at specific ticks.
  • RandomSeed: Seed for world generation.
  • spawnMobs: 1 = Mob spawning enabled.


  • None (file is uncompressed).

2. Chunk Data (chunks.dat)

Chunk Dimensions:

  • 16×16×128 blocks (YZX - Y iterates first).
  • Organized into 32×32 sections, storing up to 512×512×128 blocks.
  • Default world generates 256 chunks.

File Structure:

  • Divided into 4 KB sectors.
    • First sector: Chunk index (4 bytes per chunk).
      • 1st byte: Number of 4 KB sectors the chunk occupies.
      • Next 3 bytes: Chunk location (little-endian).
      • Example: 15 51 01 00 = Chunk starts at sector 337, taking 21 sectors.

Chunk Data Structure:

  • Block Data (first 32,768 bytes): Block order is YZX (Y iterates first). Uses a 3D array: [16][16][128].
  • Meta/Data (next 16,384 bytes): Auxiliary data (e.g., wool color, chest orientation).
    • Stored as half-byte per block (two blocks per byte).
  • Skylight Data (next 16,384 bytes): Sunlight hitting blocks. Same format as block data.
  • Blocklight Data (next 16,384 bytes): Light emitted by blocks (e.g., glowstone).
  • Biome Data (last 256 bytes): Block order is ZX (Z iterates first). Biome info per block. Stored as 16 bytes per row.

3. Entities (entities.dat)

  • File Type: Modified little-endian NBT format.
  • Header (12 bytes):
    • ASCII “ENT”.
    • 1 zero byte.
    • 4-byte integer: Version (always 1).
    • 4-byte integer: Length of file (excluding header).

Entity Data:

  • Entities List: Contains entity-specific NBT data.
    • Common Fields:
      • id: Entity type ID (e.g., Zombie = 32, Sheep = 13).
      • Pos: Position (X, Y, Z).
      • Motion: Velocity (dX, dY, dZ).
      • Rotation: Yaw and Pitch.
    • Mobs: Additional tags (e.g., Health, HurtTime, AttackTime, DeathTime).
    • Sheep: Special tags like Sheared and Color.
    • Item Entities: id, count, damage, age (time until despawn).

4. File Format Changes

  • Compression: None (uncompressed).
  • Block Data Storage: Terrain, light data stored across multiple sections.
  • Entities: Stored using an NBT-based structure, varies by entity type (e.g., mobs, items).

5. Raw NBT Data

  • InhabitedTime: Total time chunk has been loaded with players nearby.
  • Entities: List of mobs, items, and other entities in the chunk.
  • TileEntities: Data for blocks with extra information (e.g., chests, furnaces).
  • Terrain Generation: Includes random seeds, feature generation flags.