LCE Pre-Release Save File
Data in this format is endian-dependant and also commonly has compression applied to it.
Check out Basic for more info.
- These save files can be upgraded to the new format, working in atleast TU0, does not work in TU75.
- Upgrading a world in this format will usually leave a "players_" file. This also means you will lose your player data upon loading a save in a newer version.
- When upgraded, the timestamps of all the files are set to 0L.
Save file structure
Name | Size (in bytes) | Description |
Offset | 0x04 (uint) | Offset of File Index |
Index Size | 0x04 (uint) | Size of File Index in bytes |
Minimum Version | 0x02 (ushort) | Minimum file version the LCE client has to support to load the save (might not be used in-game) |
Current Version | 0x02 (ushort) | Current version of the save file |
File Data | variable | bytes of each file contained inside the save |
File Index | variable | Filenames, offsets within save, and size in bytes of files. |
You can get the file count by dividing the Index Size by 136 (e.g $1360 / 136
File Index
Name | Size (in bytes) | Description |
File Name | 0x80 | UTF16 UNIX-style path string to dictate the path of the file |
File Size | 0x04 (uint) | Size of file in bytes |
File Offset | 0x04 (uint) | Offset of file in bytes |
There may be index data at the end of NBT file data
I assume that these versions might not remove index data from files as usually it'd not get read at all...