Documentation for Minecraft 3DS' CombinedAudio.bin and Audio File Format(s).
FSB5 Audio Wrapper Information:
Pre-Determined Stuff:
The Basics:
Audio Format | GCADPCM/DSPADPCM (Both Formats are the Same *Can be PCM-8Bit for Music).
Audio-Type | Flat - Unoptimized Size and Sample-Rate (Can be Interleaved if Specified).
Header/Wrapper Size/Length:
Byte 0x01 | File Version
Byte 0x10 | Name Table Size
If the Read-Byte (32-Bit Little Endian) 0x01 is equal to the Integer Value of 1, then the Header-Size is Equal to the Hex Value of 0x3C (Int: 60).
If the Read-Byte (32-Bit Little Endian) 0x01 is equal to the Integer Value of 0, then the header-Size is Equal to the Hex Value of 0x40 (Int: 64).
HeaderSize/WrapperSize = Value(Byte 0x01) + Value(Byte 0x10).
General Wrapper/Header Information:
Byte 0x08 | Number of Songs/Tracks
Byte 0x0C | Song Header Size.
Byte 0x14 | Song Data Size/Length
Byte 0x18 | Codec Used
Byte 0x20 | Flat or Interleaved
CombinedAudio (File):
It's every Sound/Amiance/SFX in-game which is all Just put into a huge file in a somewhat random order.
You can use CATool (CombinedAudioTool) to directly modify/extract "Minecraft New Nintendo 3DS Edition"'s Audio.
Phinehas Beresford