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Level Format

Byte Order

The level data is stored in Big Endian byte order.

Level Data

NameSize (in bytes)Description
Magic Number4Identifier of the format. Always 27 1B B7 88.
Version1Version of the format. Always 01.
World NameVariableFirst 2 bytes will be a short for the length followed by the string. Always either A Nice World or --
Creator NameVariableFirst 2 bytes will be a short for the length followed by the string.
Time Created8A Unix timestamp of when the world was created.
Width2The width of the world (x direction)
Height2The depth of the world. (z direction)[1]
Depth2The height of the world. (y direction)[1]
BlocksWidth×Height×DepthAll the blocks in the world. XZY order (X increments first)[2]


  1. Due to a bug in Minecraft Classic the Height and Depth values are swapped causing Height to be the Depth and Depth to be the Height.
  2. The index can be calculated with (y × Height + z) × Width + x


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