Legacy Terrain (0
) Format
Byte Order
LegacyTerrain bytes are stored in Little Endian byte order.
Parsing The LegacyTerrain
Name | Size (in bytes) | Description |
Block IDs | 32,768 | Block IDs defining the terrain. 8 bits per block, stored in YZX order[1] (Y increments first) |
Block Data | 16,384 | Block data additionally defining parts of the terrain. 4 bits per block, stored in YZX order (Y increments first) |
Sky light | 16,384 | The amount of sunlight or moonlight hitting each block. 4 bits per block, stored in YZX order (Y increments first) |
Block light | 16,384 | The amount of block-emitted light in each block. 4 bits per block, stored in YZX order (Y increments first) |
Heightmap | 256 | Each byte records the lowest level in each column where the light from the sky is at full strength. Stored in ZX order[2] (Z increments first) |
2D Biome data | 1,024 | Each entry of the biome array contains a biome ID in the first byte, and the final 3 bytes are red/green/blue color values respectively |
Second block layer for LegacyTerrain: LegacyBlockExtraData (4