
Just a little note area to keep track of colors while the toolset is in development.

Used For RGB Color Code Hex Color Code Notes Color
Primary Color (Our purple/lavender) rgb(173,149,237) #ad95ed  
Background Color rgb(26,23,34) #1a1722  
Success Color rgb(?,?,?) #?????? Some kind of green.  
Warning Color rgb(?,?,?) #?????? Some kind of yellow.  
Danger Color rgb(250,36,38) maybe #fa2426 maybe Some kind of red, (250, 36, 38) if I would prefer a specific one.
Header/Info Color rgb(220,182,255) #dcb6ff We need to update this but for now its this.
Light Color rgb(215,200,215) #d7c8d7  
Dark Color rgb(18,18,18) or rgb(30,30,30) #121212 or #1e1e1e  
Text Color rgb(250,250,250) or rgb(255,255,255) #fafafa or #ffffff  
Secondary Background Color rgb(35,36,48) #232430 Will be different but for now its this