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Just a little note area to keep track of colors while the toolset is in development.

Used ForRGB Color CodeHex Color CodeNotesColor
Primary Color (Our purple/lavender)rgb(173,149,237)#ad95ed
Dark mode primary Color (Our purple/lavender)rgb(73,49,137)#493189
Background Colorrgb(26,23,34)#1a1722
Success Colorrgb(?,?,?)#??????Some kind of green.
Warning Colorrgb(?,?,?)#??????Some kind of yellow.
Danger Colorrgb(250,36,38) maybe#fa2426 maybeSome kind of red, (250, 36, 38) if I would prefer a specific one.
Header/Info Colorrgb(220,182,255)#dcb6ffWe need to update this but for now its this.
Light Colorrgb(215,200,215)#d7c8d7
Dark Colorrgb(18,18,18) or rgb(30,30,30)#121212 or #1e1e1e
Text Colorrgb(250,250,250) or rgb(255,255,255)#fafafa or #ffffff
Secondary Background Colorrgb(35,36,48)#232430Will be different but for now its this

In Progress

Icon Gray: RGB 115, 115, 115 NBT Green: HEX #98FBCB


The avatar of contributor named as EternalModz EternalModz
The avatar of contributor named as Dexrn ZacAttack Dexrn ZacAttack
The avatar of contributor named as BJTMastermind BJTMastermind



Documentation page was setup by DexrnZacAttack.